High Energy Inductive Therapy

High Energy Inductive Therapy

Smithtown, New York

Smithtown, New York

Life is meant to be enjoyed, not spent tolerating your pain. Discover how high energy inductive therapy can help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life.

To learn more about high energy inductive therapy, call our Smithtown office today to schedule a consultation.

What is High Energy Inductive Therapy?

High energy inductive therapy (HEIT) uses electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to increase cellular energy and improve cell function for effective pain management results. Healthy human cells are highly efficient at conducting electromagnetic energy, which helps perform normal daily functions. However, old or damaged human cells lose their conductivity and, as a result, lose their efficiency and ability to function at their optimal capability.

The emFieldPro is the latest device in the HEIT space that powerfully generates a magnetic field of up to 600 times stronger than a normal magnet to help stimulate the healing of specific nerves, muscles, and blood vessels for improved function and reduced pain and discomfort.

Types of High Energy Inductive Therapy We Offer

We offer varying types of treatment depending on each patient’s unique needs

Static Treatment

Static treatment uses a large applicator mounted on the applicator arm which is then directed at specific pain and trigger points by the clinician to help treat certain triggers or pain points.

Static Treatment

Static treatment uses a large applicator mounted on the applicator arm which is then directed at specific pain and trigger points by the clinician to help treat certain triggers or pain points.

Static Treatment

Static treatment uses a large applicator mounted on the applicator arm which is then directed at specific pain and trigger points by the clinician to help treat certain triggers or pain points.

Combined Application for Static and Dynamic Treatment

Combined application uses static and dynamic treatments where the clinician initially applies static therapy to specific pain and trigger points, and then provides additional care via dynamic treatment application.

Combined Application for Static and Dynamic Treatment

Combined application uses static and dynamic treatments where the clinician initially applies static therapy to specific pain and trigger points, and then provides additional care via dynamic treatment application.

Combined Application for Static and Dynamic Treatment

Combined application uses static and dynamic treatments where the clinician initially applies static therapy to specific pain and trigger points, and then provides additional care via dynamic treatment application.

Dynamic Treatment

Dynamic treatment involves a hand-held applicator device that the clinician then administers HEIT by hand with the device which can be effective at treating more generalized areas of pain.

Dynamic Treatment

Dynamic treatment involves a hand-held applicator device that the clinician then administers HEIT by hand with the device which can be effective at treating more generalized areas of pain.

Dynamic Treatment

Dynamic treatment involves a hand-held applicator device that the clinician then administers HEIT by hand with the device which can be effective at treating more generalized areas of pain.

Conditions High Energy Inductive Therapy Can Help

If you are looking for an efficient, non-invasive pain management option, look no further than high energy inductive therapy. HEIT helps treat a range of different conditions for reduced pain and improved mobility.

  • Relax muscle spasms

  • Prevent disuse atrophy

  • Increase local blood circulation

  • Muscle re-education

  • Immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis

  • Maintain or increase range of motion.

Did you know that red light therapy is also proven effective for use before or after workouts for prevention & recovery? Light therapy treatments have several mechanisms of action on muscle cells, glycogen synthesis, oxidative stress reduction, protection against exercise induced-muscle damage, and the addition of new myonuclei supporting muscle hypertrophy.

Used before exercise, red light therapy supports stronger muscle performance and also helps limit muscle damage and strain. Muscle damage can negatively impact your performance because of inflammation, soreness, and long recovery periods. 

Used after exercise, red light therapy can speed up the recovery process by accelerating your muscle adaptation to exercise, helping to process inflammation and increasing antioxidant activity. As red light therapy penetrates the skin and stimulates antioxidants, it can play a key role in reducing oxidative stress that comes with delayed onset muscle soreness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the emFieldPro device safe?

Yes, the emFieldPro device provides safe and effective high energy inductive therapy outcomes. The electromagnetic fields travel deep into the body to improve cell energy and function while providing a pain-free patient experience.

Which treatment type is right for me?

We ensure patients receive the right treatment tailored to their exact needs. Your clinician will carefully evaluate your condition and pain history to better understand if static treatment, dynamic treatment, or combined application with static and dynamic treatment may be right for you.

How long will a treatment session take?

With emFieldPro, patients enjoy fast and effective HEIT sessions. Most sessions take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes long depending on your specific needs.